Logo design & animation
The first part was to create the logo itself. The client already had a concrete idea of what the logo should look like, and my job was to bring that vision to life and refine it. 
Using multiple references and detailed instructions, I acquired a fish illustration from Shutterstock. Subsequently, I made significant overall changes to render the fish more neutral and appealing to the client. Finally, I incorporated an emblem and curved text to complete the design.
using After Effects
The animation concept was pretty straightforward. I envisioned a spinning emblem with a few water spills and fish jumping out, returning to its original position. The client approved the idea and I used Adobe After Effects to bring it to life.
Animation is a slow process that demands patience. To convey the impression of the fish moving, I cut the original image into multiple pieces and animated them separately. Adding a wiggle effect to the fish further enhanced the overall effect.
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